Buying a business

Buying a business

There are few things more exciting that deciding to go into business on your own. Rather than facing the blank sheet of paper and starting your business from scratch buying an established business could be the best way for you to get started in New Zealand. I have...
Engaging your Audience

Engaging your Audience

With 97% of New Zealand businesses having less than 20 employees, we are a nation of small businesses. There are many ways that this smaller size helps owners, its more manageable and so on, but one area where SMEs face unique challenges is in their sales and...
The leadership qualities that matter today

The leadership qualities that matter today

Leadership is a commonly used word, and we all know the dictionary definition, but for SMEs what does leadership really mean today? When launching an SME, leadership is all about the idea and the drive to make it happen, the force of character to create something new...
Maximising your biggest asset

Maximising your biggest asset

SMEs come in all shapes and sizes of course, they operate in every market sector imaginable and offer every service and product possible, but in general, they all have something in common. The biggest asset an SME has is its staff. This does not just mean the...
Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Building a successful SME is a dream for so many of us today, and the journey to success, no matter how long, stressful or difficult, is most definitely a satisfying one. But how many of us think about what comes after, how we deal with long term success and the...